Number Formatting

The following are examples that show the output of formatting 1,234.125678. Note for the set of examples below, we use a double value unless otherwise stated.

Standard Formatting Methods
Format String Result
value.ToString() 1234.125678
Predefined Formats
Format String Result
c -or- C ¤1,234.13
d -or- D (int only) 1234
d2 -or- D2 (int only) 1234
d6 -or- D6 (int only) 001234
e 1.234126e+003
e2 1.23e+003
e6 1.234126e+003
E 1.234126E+003
E2 1.23E+003
E6 1.234126E+003
f -or- F 1234.13
f2 -or- F2 1234.13
f6 -or- F6 1234.125678
g -or- G 1234.125678
n -or- N 1,234.13
n2 -or- N2 1,234.13
n6 -or- N6 1,234.125678
p -or- P 123,412.57 %
p2 -or- P2 123,412.57 %
p6 -or- P6 123,412.567800 %
r -or- R 1234.125678
x (int only) 4d2
x2 (int only) 4d2
x6 (int only) 0004d2
X (int only) 4D2
X2 (int only) 4D2
X6 (int only) 0004D2
Custom Format Strings
Format String Result
0.00 1234.13
#.00 1234.13
#,###.## 1,234.13
0,000,000.00 0,001,234.13
#,###,###.00 1,234.13
(#,###.##) (1,234.13)
0.00% 123412.57%
#.##;(#.##);-- 1234.13